Mallen's Monday Memo May 20, 2013

Monday Memo

May 20, 2013


Dear Parents,


We are rapidly approaching the end of the year. This will be my last Monday Memo, so I will try to put as many calendar items as I can think of, for the rest of the year, on here.


Last week was quite the busy week!

 We ate at the care center on Tuesday. They graciously made us chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese and we had ice cream treats as well. They were so good to us this year and it was a fantastic experience for all of us!!

We went fishing on Wednesday.

We were treated to Mrs. Bates coming and talking about the Summer reading program. It sounds like a fantastic program with fun field trips and guests… I encourage everyone to sign up for the fun!! Did the students tell you she ate worms?? You will have to ask them about that.

We had Antarctica Man (Kelly Wilhelm) come in person and talk to us about his experiences there and answer a multitude of questions.


The next few weeks are filled with some fun as well:

May 21:  Music Man Square Field Trip (Sack lunches provided.)

May 23 (May 24 rain date):  Track Meet (9-11:00 for us)

May 27 (No school: Memorial Day)

June 4:  I will be using the leftover money from the parties and my own, to buy the kids pizza for lunch. They are to bring their own beverage.


We finished on Friday with our reading series. The next two weeks we are going to be working on a variety of skills and next week we are going to make some book commercials. I will be videotaping them. If your child asks for a prop of some sort, that is what it is for.


For Math, we will be testing today over chapter 8. We will start on chapter 9 tomorrow. Chapter 9 is over fractions. We are also finished with Science for the year. We will be working on the Midwest Region of the United States for Social Studies. We will test over it and we will also be making a travel brochure over one of the Midwest States. 


Thank-you so much for sharing your children with me. It has been an honor. They are truly great kids, who will do very well in their future!! They are very kind and compassionate! I wish them the very best in their journey to 5th grade!!



Chris Mallen


Phone:  444-3093 (Home)   444-4300 (School)



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