Mallen's Monday Memo October 1, 2012

Monday Memo
October 1, 2012

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great weekend! This week has a couple of interesting events in store for us. On Wednesday at 9:00 our school will be participating in the Iowa Healthiest State initiative. We will be meeting at the front of our building and walking the trail. You are more than welcome to join us. There will be other community members walking with us. That afternoon at 1:00, the students will be listening to a 4H presentation. They will be invited to join their organization. Information will be given to them at the meeting. We also dismiss early on Wednesday, so it is definitely going to be an interesting day!

This  week  we will be continuing on finishing up with our Journeys theme. We will be reading about a child that actually gets mailed to a relative in “Parcel Post Kid” and we will be reading about an adventure a cricket has with a bird, in the story “Chester Cricket”. Both stories provide the characters with a unique adventure or “journey”. We will be writing journey stories too this week. We will also be working on the following skills:  Comprehension, vocabulary, comparing and contrasting stories. Our grammar skills this week will all be reviewing what we learned this past few weeks: Sentence Kind, subjects and predicates, common nouns, and using nouns in a series. Our spelling words are review words and are attached to this memo.

In Science we are continuing on animal adaptations and behaviors. This is a much shorter unit in Science, so we will already be working on the review this week. For Social Studies, we will be working on the Southwestern Region of the United States. This week the focus will be on working with latitutde and longitude and talking about the need for water and the availability of oil in the region.

In Math we will be starting our second chapter. I have the results of the first test in math in their folders for parent/teacher conferences. Our first lesson will be on using mental math when adding numbers. We will then use mental math when subtracting numbers. We will be estimating sums and differences this week. On Friday we will talk about over and under estimates for problem solving.

This week we are going to try to start using our typing agent which is located on our web site. If a student wants to try it at home, it is set up with their name and they can work on it at home. I will be showing them their password this week. Hopefully it will work okay. Sometimes there are a few glitches with the program, but we will see how it goes. Hopefully you can access it from home once we get going on it. It is an individualized program, so it will take them from where they left off.

As always, call with any questions/concerns!
Have a great week!

Chris Mallen
Phone:  444-3093 (Home)   444-4300 ext. 336 (School)

Monday Memo
September 24, 2012

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Just a couple reminders to send back the room parent volunteer sheets as soon as you can. I will be making a list to send home with the kids telling who will be coordinating which party… I thank-you so much in advance for giving of your time and effort towards putting on a party for the kids!! With that, just a reminder to send $2.00 with your children towards the parties.

This week and next week we will be finishing up on our Journey’s unit. We will be reading two stories this week. One of the stories is entitled The Earthenware Pig.  The other is a series of short mysteries from other countries. This secton of our reading series focuses on the genre of mystery storiesThe students will be working on comparing and contrasting the two stories. They will also work on the vocabulary for each story. We will be reviewing some of those skills we went through, throughout the unit. Those skills will include guide words, abc order, syllabication and the author’s thoughts. We will be writing a story this week about a make-believe journey the students want to go on. We will also have our center time which will have us reviewing some grammatical skills, reading a vocabulary book and answering questions over it, and they will be working on Successmaker in the computer lab. In grammar, we will be reviewing their grammar skills from the unit. They will also be having their first review list of spelling words, from the unit. . We will be reading an Encyclopedia Brown book next week as well to finish our unit on Journeys. Our Laura Ingalls Wilder books are due to be tested on October 1st. Thanks for making sure they are reading those.

In Math, the students will be finishing up on their first unit. They did an amazing job with counting back change!! Have them show you at home what they can do. Our first test will be this week. I am not sure which, day as it will depend on how much we get done. We will also be doing our daily reviews. Remember to keep having them practice those multiplication facts. Some are doing much better while others really need to work on them.  I thank-you for helping them at home with those!!

In Science, we are starting our new unit over animal growth and adaptations.  The students usually really enjoy this interesting unit. I have their wonderful tests in their file to share with you at conference time.

In Social Studies, we will be starting our regions of the United States. We will start with the Southwest Region. If you have any brochures or artifacts from this region, please send them with your child to share with us on Mondays.

We will be having some periodic drills this week. They include a fire, tornado and intruder drill. I wanted to let you know in case the children mentioned any of the above. We had a brief talk as to why it was important to practice drills for all emergencies.

It is amazing how quickly time is flying. This will be our last week in September. I have the kids move their desks the beginning of each month and that seems to be kind of exciting for them to have new kids to work with. I can honestly say that these kids are absolutely a joy to teach and I just want you to know thatJ

As always, call with any questions/concerns!

Chris Mallen
Phone:  (Home):  444-3093   (School) 444-4300 ext. 336

Mallen's Monday Memo September 17, 2012

                                                                             Monday Memo
                                                                           September 17, 2011

Dear Parents,

 I hope everyone had a great weekend! Just a reminder that the book orders are due today but I will place the order tomorrow if you are still wanting to order a book. We had a great time at the care center and I appreciate how very kind and caring the students were while we were there. They always treat us so well and they won prizes when they won bingo. Again, I was so proud of the students!!

This week in reading we are reading a chapter from a Laura Ingalls Wilder book entitled “By the Shores of Silver Lake”. I will be having the students read a Laura Ingalls Wilder book once they have passed their quiz over the Judy Blume book. I am so impressed that so many of the students have read over 4 Judy Blume books! That is so impressive!! The Laura Ingalls Wilder books are a little bit lengthy, but I like for them to have read and quizzed over at least one of them. Some of the skills we will be working on this week include:  Noting details, comprehension, vocabulary, taking notes, and guide words.  Our grammar lessons this week are over proper nouns. We have enjoyed watching excerpts from the old “Grammar Rocks” series. During spelling we will be working on words that are homophones. Their listening skills will be very important as it will depend on how the sentence uses the word as to how to spell the word. The list is attached to this memo. For centers this week, we will be doing a vocabulary center, writing a friendly letter, keyboarding, a language “bucket”, and computer lab for Successmaker. Our guided reading groups have us reading about the orphan train, talking about prairie dangers, and racing on the Mississippi River.

For Math this week, we will be working on counting money and the most important skill, counting back change. They will be working on a daily multiplication sheet as well as a daily math review. Thank-you for working with your child at home on this important skill and when possible, have your child make purchases with money and work on giving the correct change…  Please keep working on the multiplication facts at home as so many are struggling on their facts. It really will help them out so greatly, having those memorized, especially in the coming months!

We are finishing up on our social studies handbook this week. It seems that the students are enjoying the DOGS we do before social studies. They go right along with the lesson for the week. The students will be testing this week in Science. We are going to try to do the test on the prometheon board as a practice. The actual test will be tomorrow (Tuesday). A study guide will go home with the students tonight. The first test is the most difficult with a lot of vocabulary terms. We thought maybe having it on the board, would help prepare them for the actual test.

Just a reminder that the early out is on Wednesday.

As always, call with any concerns!
Have a great week!
Chris Mallen
Phone:  444-3093 (Home)  444-4300 ext. 336 (School)

Mallen's Monday Memo September 10, 2012

Monday Memo
September 10, 2012

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great weekend!! Although last week was a short week, the kids really got a lot accomplished and I am so proud of them for that! Today your children went to our adopt a business, which is the Belmond Rehabilitation Center! We love having them as part of our “family”. It is great for the students to develop relationships with our older generation. Today we went over and paired up with our new friends and played bingo. I think they had a great time. I always tell them that their job is to make their friend smile. I explained that for some of the residents, this might be their only visitor that week. We will be going monthly to visit our new friends. I encourage them to go over on their own time, with your permission of course, and visit their new friends.

This week we are reading one of the kid’s favorite stories. It is entitled The Titanic. We will be working on the skills of comprehension, vocabulary, thesaurus, and syllabication during our whole group reading time. During our guided reading time, we will be working on main idea. For grammar, we will be focused on writing complete sentences and compound sentences. In spelling, we will be working on words with the u sound. The list is attached to this memo.

Math this week will have us doing a review over what we have learned so far in this chapter. We will also be working on using the $ sign to understand decimals. Money and making change will be a big part of this week. This is an important skill that needs to be practiced throughout their life. We will be practicing it throughout the year by playing some money games during our math menu time, however, working on it at home, would really help them as well. With that, keep working on those multiplication facts. As I told them, it isn’t going away. They need to learn those in order to be successful with math for the rest of their school career. Thanks for helping them with that. We have 5 people now that are in our “Never Again Club” for having mastered the 5 minute multiplication timed test. We also work daily on our daily review that is awesome for preparing for the basic skills test!

We are going to be finishing up on our handbook activities with social studies and with our first chapter in Science. I will let you know in next week’s Monday Memo when a study guide will be coming home for their first test in Science. We will be starting on a region of the United States next week as well and I will share more in next week’s memo.

Reminder that book orders are due: Sept. 17th

As always, call with any questions or concerns!!
Chris Mallen
Phone:  ext. 336 (School)   444-3093 (Home)