Monday Memo
April 15, 2013
Dear Parents,
I hope everyone had a great weekend!! The students worked
very hard on their Iowa Assessments last week! I want to take this time to
thank Mrs. Simonson for the treats she provided for the students each day last week!!
That was incredibly thoughtful, and it gave the students something to look
forward to when finishing their tests each day!! It was also a tough week of
having to stay indoors for recess each day due to the weather conditions. They
also missed their specials a few days due to the morning tests, so being cooped
up was kind of the norm for them and they handled it very well!! Hopefully
spring will actually make an appearance at some point!
This week, we are ending our Heroes unit. We will be
learning about porquois tales. They will be reading and writing some as well.
Their spelling words are attached to this memo. Their grammar lessons this week
will be about correctly combining sentences. They will also be working on
syllable pairs, animal descriptors and exact verbs. It is kind of a review of
what they have learned in their heroes unit.
We will be finishing up on our division unit in math this
week. Our chapter test will be on Thursday. The students have done a nice job
learning how to divide numbers and have learned about the divisibility rules
and how to do averages. Our next chapter focuses us on geometry!
Our Northeastern Region of the United States unit, will
come to an end this week also. A study guide will come home with the students
on Tuesday night, with the test on Wednesday.
We will be starting a unit on weather during our science time!!
We are testing over Hatchet
today. I think most of the students really enjoyed this action packed book.
I read a chapter a day and they read a chapter. We will be doing the same with
their next book, Misty of Chincoteague.
I will read a chapter and assign a chapter for them to read at night. We will
have this book done by the end of April, to be tested on.
Just a reminder that there is an early out on Wednesday.
On Thursday, Dirk Vanderlinden is coming to talk to the 4th graders
about a special project we will be doing with them. The students will be
assigned a business and will be creating and ad for them, to be published in
the paper. This is a project that has been done with the Independent for around
15 years. We are happy to be a part of this!!
As always, if you have any questions/concerns, please
give me a call or email me!!
Chris Mallen
Phone: 444-3093
(Home) 444-4300 ext. 336 (School)
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