Mallen's Monday Memo December 5, 2011

Monday Memo
December 5, 2011

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great weekend! This will be an interesting week, getting ready for Friday’s Christmas program! The kids enjoyed singing Christmas songs at the bank on Friday. Thank-you for your generous donations to our food pantry box.  The Cheer Fund money is also very welcomed and we will be using it to purchase an item off the giving tree. One more thing that our school is going to do is to replenish our hats and mittens supply through allowing the kids to bring some money for “Kaps for Kids”. On Dec. 7, and Dec. 14, the students can wear their hats that day for a donation. These things are just a few examples of how we are a giving and caring community at Jacobson Elementary!!

For reading this week, we are reading a story entitled Cendrillion. It is another version of Cinderella. We will be reading a variety of versions of Cinderella this week. We will also be working on vocabulary, comprehension, fantasy/realism, venn diagram over two characters in the story, main and helping verbs in grammar, and our spelling list is words with the schwa sound in them. The list is attached to this memo. Our small group stories are also all take-offs of Cinderella.

We will be continuing in our new Chapter 5 unit. It is also on multiplication/division. We skipped chapter 4 but will go back to it after we finish this unit. We wanted to stay on this topic to continue getting those multiplication facts learned. This week we will be multiplying 2DX1D and 3DX1D. We will also be doing some multiplication with arrays. Keep working on those facts at home!!

I sent home a social studies study guide with your child today. The test over Chapter 9 will be tomorrow. We will be finishing up on the body systems unit in Science, hopefully this week. Stay tuned to the Monday Memo…

I look forward to the students being all dressed up on Friday. It is always so fun to see them in their “Sunday Best”!!

As always, with any questions/ concerns don’t hesitate to give me a call or email!!

Have a great week!
Chris Mallen
Phone:  444-3093 (Home)  444-4300 ext. 336 (School)