Mallen's Monday Memo August 26, 2013

Welcome to Mrs. Mallen’s 4th Grade!!

4th Grade Students are GRAND!!!


Dear Parents and Students:


          I look forward to a wonderful school year with plenty of opportunities for new learning. I wanted to let you know a few things that should help us get set for a great year!!


  Responsibility/ Homework


          Our school is going to a new school-wide system called PBIS.  It is a program that rewards good behavior. I expect that in our school of myself and I expect it of your child. My number one rule in our class is to treat each other the way you wish to be treated. If we respect this rule, we should have no problems. As a teacher, if I see an area that your child needs to work on, we will work together to form a plan of improvement for your child. Responsibility is a major area that we work on in 4th grade. The students will be expected to complete the assigned work. I will give your child plenty of time to work on the assignment and I will be here to help them with any questions they may have. However, it is their responsibility to use the time given. If they are not finished with the assignment in the allotted time, they will work on it during recess in the hope that they will finish it and then go out to recess and not have to take it home. However, if they don’t finish it in that amount of time, they will take it home for homework. Hopefully this will not happen very often. It is an expectation that they will return the work the following day. Should they not return it, they will complete it at recess time. I do feel, that the most important homework the student can do each night, is to read. My expectation is that they should read at least 15 minutes a night. I ask that this become their nightly homework. They will be bringing home some RC (Reading Counts) books to read each night. When the book is finished, they will be given 3 opportunities to pass a 10 point quiz over the book. This is a great way to work on comprehension skills and to learn the lifetime leisure skill of reading. I will be sending home a Monday Memo each Monday. (More about the memo is below.) That will inform you of what we are doing each week. It will also tell you of when their RC book is to be finished. We are starting the year with Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I will read a chapter of the book each day and their assignment is to read a chapter each night at home.


Schedule/Class List


          I have not attached a copy of our schedule. At this point, with so many changes coming up, I haven’t a firm schedule made. I will send home a schedule once I have firmed it up. I have attached a class list should you need one.


Monday Memo/Lesson Planners


          I send home a Monday Memo virtually each Monday. It shows you what we will be working on that week. It will show if there are any tests to be studying for and when those will be, etc… Hopefully that will be a good communication tool for us. I always include my phone number and my email address to which you should feel free to use at any time. The students will also be filling out their lesson planners. This is their first time with them so we do most of it together each day. At the end of the day, they will circle anything they didn’t complete and need to work on for homework. I ask that the parents sign the planner each day. By signing the planner you are telling me that your child read for 15 minutes the previous night and completed any homework they brought home. Your child will receive a star for each day signed. If the planner isn’t signed, that tells me they didn’t get a chance to read for their 15 minutes, so I will have them read for 15 minutes during recess time. This is done to start the students out with correctly using a lesson planner and the importance of showing their parents each day and confirms my feelings on the importance of reading each night.


Book Orders


          I typically send home 3 book orders once a month. I will tell your child when they are due. Please don’t feel obligated to buy anything but it is just an opportunity for you should you wish. I find that having three orders to choose from gives you more choices and the ability to look for the best price!


Birthday Treats


          Many parents ask about birthday treats. We love them!! Never feel you have to send any, but we would love to recognize your child’s birthday!  The official rule of what you can and cannot bring is in the school handbook.


Math Facts


          It is so very important that the students memorize their multiplication facts. We will be doing timed tests, practice sheets, etc… on their facts virtually every day the first semester. The goal is to be able to complete a 100 point 5 minute timed test with at least 90% accuracy by semester’s end. We will be working on multiplying and dividing 2 and 3 digit numbers by that point, so it is to their benefit and makes math so much easier for them, if they know those facts. I appreciate your help in working with them for possibly 5 minutes each night!!





 I am really excited about this year and look forward to an awesome year!!




Chris Mallen

Phone:  444-3093 (Home)   444-4300 ext. 336



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