Mallen's Monday Memo December 8, 2014

Monday Memo
December 8, 2014

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great weekend. We had a great last week! On Friday we had our dress rehearsal for the Christmas Concert. Just a reminder that the concert is tonight at 7:00. The students also have counselor time this week! We are also going to be in charge of the daily announcements this week. That is always kind of fun for the kids!!

This is a review week  in reading. We will be reviewing the grammar, spelling, and reading skills that we learned throughout the “That’s Amazing” unit. We will also be working on our SRA kits this week. I am planning to spend next week working on some Christmas story activities. With that, I would like to have kids think about the giving aspect of Christmas. If it is possible for you, I am asking each kid to send $2.00 to school that I will match and send to the Cheer Fund with our classes’ name. I appreciate that. If you would like your child to earn that $2.00 by either doing chores for you, helping a neighbor in some capacity, the list goes on, that would be great and would help them get that good feeling that goes into being a giver. If you could get that money to me by Dec. 18th, I will send it the 19th.

We will be finishing our second module in math this week. This short module was over the metric system and just taught them how to convert cm to m to km, L to ml, g to kg… It also showed them how to add/subtract using metric measurement. They also used a number line to decide if a number is greater or less than another number. Our next module that I hope to get started this week is starting on the concept of multiplication and division. Having them work on those facts each night is going to help them so much with this module. We will be multiplying and dividing multiple digits, so I can’t stress enough how helpful it will be for them to know those facts!!

This week we will be testing over our first southeastern United States chapter. I am sending the study guide home with them tomorrow night, with the test on Wednesday.

Thanks for all you do to help me with your child’s education! As always, please call with any questions or concerns!!

Chris Mallen
Phone:  Home:  444-3093   School:  444-4300 ext 336

Mallen's Monday Memo, November 10, 2014

November 10, 2014

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great weekend. We ended our week last week with a Jacobson First Quarter PBIS reward party. This party involved the entire Jacobson family. The students were able to come to school with pajamas and for 20 minutes that day, they could play board games and were able to bring a non caffeinated  drink to drink during this party. For second quarter, only the students that show good behavior during that quarter will be invited to attend the party. Hopefully the party is enough of an incentive for the kids to follow our BK rules of:  Be Safe, Care for Others, Do What’s Right and Do Your Best.

This week we are starting a new unit entitled “Amazing Stories”. All of the stories are fantasy stories. We will begin the theme this week with a Chris Van Allsburg story entitled “The Stranger”. This fantasy story talks about how a stranger visits a family and how because of him, the weather changes. We will be working on the skills of:  Vocabulary, Comprehension, Noting Details and Strutural Analysis. We will also be reading a few autumn poems. The story talks about the season of fall. Our spelling words are compound words this week and the list is attached to this memo. Our grammar moves us away from nouns and we will begin talking about action verbs. We will weekly continue to reinforce the different types of nouns through our weekly “grammar sentences”. I am sure you have seen them come home with your child from time to time. It is where I put on the board different types of nouns (proper nouns, common nouns, plural nouns, singular nouns, possessive plural nouns, possessive singular nouns) and then need to use one of each in a sentence. It is always a challenge but the more they do it, the better they will get at identifying these nouns and at writing complete sentences. Most of the students have passed the book “The Jacket” and are reading a book of their choice to be finished by November 15th. I will be giving them a different book to read at that time. Thanks, again, for having your child read every night for at least 15 minutes!!

We will be finishing our first module in math today. Tomorrow we will start our second math module. Our first lesson will be entitled “Unit Conversions and Problem Solving with Metric Measurement”. We will also be working on “Expressing metric mass measurements in terms of a smaller unit”. The program assumes the students had background information over this in third grade and they haven’t. So, we will be really backing up a bit and trying to give them the background preparation they will need to complete this new unit. We are still completing our daily reviews and daily multiplication sheets. The more we practice with these, the better they get at it. I find they need the repetition of these math concepts so that they are “sealed” in their brain for next year. That is why you may see the same things come home over and over again. We want to learn this forever, not just for a day.

This week we will be testing over our plant adaptation unit. We will be working on the new vocabulary for this unit, doing a science review and then on Thursday I will send a study guide home with your child over this unit. The test will be on Friday.

Thanks for all you do to help me with your child’s education! As always, please call with any questions or concerns!!

Chris Mallen
Phone:  Home:  444-3093   School:  444-4300 ext 336

Mallen's Monday Memo November 3, 2014

Monday Memo
November 3, 2014

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great weekend. We ended our week with a costume parade at the Belmond Care Center/Belle Haven. They are always so good to us and we thank them for always thinking of us!! We think they are great too!! We came back over and had our annual Jacobson Costume Parade. I would like to thank Mrs. Gonzalez and Mrs. Andrade for the food/drinks!! We really enjoyed them!!  It is hard to believe that it is November already. It is starting to get pretty chilly outside!

This week we are finishing up on our American Stories theme. We will be reading a selection about Amelia Earhart. We will also be finishing up on our “Freedom:  What it means to Me” essay that we are writing for the annual VFW contest. I will send these essays in and each of the students will receive a dollar for participating as well as possible awards for the top three placers. This week is a review week of proper nouns, possessive nouns, singular nouns, common nouns and plural nouns. Our spelling words will be sent home tomorrow. I hope to get this review unit finished by the end of the week. I have given all of the students the book The Jacket by Andrew Clements to read by November 15th. It is a short book, so hopefully they will have it done before the 15th and then can read a library RC book before the 15th. The requirement is to have one quiz passed by the 15th to receive a 3. To get a 4, they need to read and pass at least one more by then. I will give them a new book on the 15th. Thanks for having them read at least 15 minutes each night!!

We will be finishing up on our first module for our new math series. Next week, we should be starting our second module which will have us working with the metric system. We also do daily reviews in math and our daily multiplication sheets. I appreciate you working with your child on these each night!! It is paying off!!

We tested last week over our Animal Adaptations chapter in Science. This week we will be working on the plant growth and adaptations chapter. We will be talking about life support for plants, the functions of plant parts, and plant life cycles.

Thanks for all you do to help me with your child’s education! As always, please call with any questions or concerns!!

Chris Mallen
Phone:  Home:  444-3093   School:  444-4300 ext 336

Mallen's Monday Memo October 27, 2014

Monday Memo
October 27, 2014

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a nice weekend. We were busy last week working on our map testing. We do three tests that run about an hour each. The tests are in math, reading, and language arts. That put us behind with a few things so we will be catching up this week as well as starting a new story in reading. On Friday, we will be parading our costumes over at the care center and Belle Haven around 1:30, which should get us back to the school in time for the annual school costume parade. The Fall party will start after the parade. I thank Mrs. Andrade and Mrs. Gonzalez for the food and beverage for our party!!

In Reading this week, we will be starting a story entitled The Very Important Day. This story is about a family who studies hard to become American citizens. It is a very enlightening story as to the process of becoming a citizen of America. We will be working on the following skills this week:  Vocabulary, Comprehension, Multiple meaning words, reading a news article, and inferencing. We will continue working with singular and plural nouns and the spellings that go with making singular nouns plural nouns. Today we will be testing over last week’s spelling words, with the spelling test for last week’s words being tomorrow. I will send home the new words on Wednesday.

In Math, we will be working on solving additive comparing word problems modeled with tape diagrams. I hope to also begin working on solving multi-step word problems modeled with tape diagrams and assessing the reasonableness of answers using rounding. We will also continue on our daily reviews and our daily multiplication facts. They are getting better with those, and I truly appreciate your time and effort in helping them work on them for at least 5 minutes each night. It will help them in math enormously for the rest of their school career!

We will be testing this week in Science. If things go as planned, I will be sending home a study guide with the students over the animal adaptations chapter on Wednesday, with the test being on Thursday. This has been a very fun chapter talking about the difference between instincts and learned behaviors and about the different adaptations animals have to survive.

As always, please call/email with any questions/concerns!

Have a great week!!

Chris Mallen
Phone:  (Home)  444-3093   (School)  444-4300 ext. 336

Mallen's Monday Memo October 13, 2014

Monday Memo
October 13, 2014

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Last week we enjoyed our fire truck rides and the information we got from the firemen!! We truly appreciate the service they offer for our community! We also were entertained by some older students telling the students about 4H! I think many of the students were interested in joining one of the 4Hclubs!!

This week we are beginning a new story in reading today. It is a story entitled Tonya’s Reunion. This story is about a girl who gets to know her parents better by going back to their birthplace. We will be learning a variety of skills this week including:  Vocabulary, Comprehension, using a graphic organizer to organize your thoughts, comparing/contrasting and making inferences. Our grammar lessons this week are on singular and plural nouns. Our spelling words have the long and short oo sound. The list is attached to this memo. On Wednesday, the students’ RC books quiz is due (Oct. 15). They were all given an Encyclopedia Brown book to have read and passed by the 15th. Many of them have read a few of them. For those that haven’t, Wednesday is the day to have that done. As I said in prior Monday Memo’s, this was a book above some of the student’s reading lexile. I said I was fine with you reading it to them, a sibling, you a page them a page… I just like how they have to use some critical thinking to solve these cases! Then next book is one of my favorites and is a historical fiction book. It is called Bound for Oregon. My plan for this wonderful book is to read a chapter a day to them and have them go home and read a chapter each night. For some of them, it may require you reading it to them, as above. They will be listening to me read all odd chapters. We will be doing some activities over this story as well. We will have this book done and ready to be quizzed before the last day in October and so hopefully they will have a chance to read and pass one more quiz. By passing two quizzes a month, they get a 3 because that is our standard. If they pass more than 3 quizzes in the month, they will receive a 4 for part of their comprehension grade.

We will be finishing up on our NE region of the United States. I am sending home a study guide on Thursday, for the test that will be Friday. I truly appreciate your time in going through it with them.

This week in Math, we are working on using place value understanding to decompose to smaller units up to three times using the standard algorithm and apply the algorithm to solve word problems using tape diagrams. We will also be using place value understanding to fluently decompose to smaller units multiple times in any place using the standard subtraction algorithm and apply it to solve word problems using tape diagrams.

We are fortunate this week to have Counselor Johnson come two times this week!

As always, please call with any questions/concerns!

Have a great week!
Chris Mallen
Phone:  444-3093 (Home)   444-4300 (School)

Mallen's Monday Memo October 6

Monday Memo
October 6, 2014

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Last week was busy with Homecoming activities. The kids had a lot of interesting things going on last week as well. They had their first counselor class of the year with Counselor Johnson. They went to the outdoor classroom on Thursday. They participated in the annual fitness walk on Friday and attended the Homecoming parade on Friday. It was a busy week!

This week is a bit more normal. One thing they will be doing is listening to the 4-H presenters tell the kids about their program. The students are eligible to begin being in 4-H when they are in fourth grade. They will be listening to the presenters on Friday.

In Language Arts this week, we will be starting our second theme. This theme is entitled “American Stories”. The stories in the theme are all stories that talk about how our country formed.  Our first story is entitled Thomas and the Library Lady. This story is about a boy whose parents are migrant workers. They live in Texas for part of the year and Iowa another part of the year. It is a really good story that the children always enjoy! We will be talking about the following skills this week:  Comprehension, Vocabulary, Contractions, and drawing conclusions. Our grammar skills this week talk about proper nouns. Our spelling words have the ou and schwa sounds in them and the list is attached to this memo.

In Social Studies we are continuing our work on the northeastern region of the United States. This week we will be talking about the industrial revolution, comparing the NE to the city of Mumbai, learning how to use a distribution map, and talking about how the Northeast is today. We will also be reviewing the vocabulary words from this unit.

This week in math we are going to be talking about solving multi-step word problems using standard addition algorithms, and using place value to understand how to decompose to smaller units. We are also doing a daily review and a multiplication sheet each day. Thank-you for working on those facts with your child each night!

Just a reminder that your child has an Encyclopedia Brown book to have read by October 15th. I appreciate your support with having your child read for at least 15 minutes a night.

As always, please call with any questions/concerns!

Chris Mallen
Phone:  (Home)  444-3093   (School)   444-3500 ext. 336


Mallen's Monday Memo September 29, 2014

Monday Memo
September 29, 2014

Dear Parents,

It was wonderful to be able to visit with you last week!! You have such kind children and it is my pleasure to teach them every day! I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend! We work so hard in school that it is great for us all to be able to relax for a couple of days!

This week in reading, we are working on the genre of mysteries!! It is always such a fun unit! I am reading the first Encyclopedia Brown book entitled Encyclopedia Brown:  Boy Detective. We will be doing daily skills lessons from the story. There are a variety of skills that include:  Syllabication, Alphabetizing, Guide Words, Using words in context, and the list goes on. I really like the way the Encyclopedia Brown books have the students really use their critical thinking skills to solve problems! I like all of the kids to experience the stories. With that, tomorrow is the end of the month which means that they will be tested on their second book for September. Most of them have had to read a Laura Ingalls Wilder book, while others have had other books to read. Once they pass the quiz over their RC book, I will be giving them a library book that is an Encyclopedia Brown book. Everyone will be receiving one. Now I realize that not all of my students are capable of reading one of these books. However, I am giving them one anyway in the hopes that you or a sibling can read it with them, to them, whatever the case may be. They need to have passed one of the Encyclopedia Brown books by October 15th. If they finish early and pass the test, they can read another one of the Encyclopedia Brown books or they can get a library book. Thank-you for your help with that.  I will be giving them another book on October 15th. We are working on writing a mystery story this week also. We will be very busy in reading this week! Last week we had the SRA lab and the students were able to complete 4 stories! I was very happy with that!

For Math this week, we are working on using place value understanding to round multi-digit numbers to any place value, using real world applications. We will be completing our first mid modular assessment. It reviews how well they are doing with what we have learned so far. I am anxious to see how well they do on it. We are still doing our daily reviews. I have lowered some of their daily reviews to a level that I feel they can independently have success. That has worked so much better. Many of the students just weren’t ready for 4th grade level independent work. Hopefully this will help ease them into it. We also complete a multiplication sheet each day. Thank-you for working on the multiplication facts each day with your child!

We are talking about the Northeastern Region of the United States in Social Studies. This chapter explores the history and economy of the region. We will be talking about: The Iroquois Confederacy, The American Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution this week! We have been doing a few activities on the prometheon board over this region as well.

We have a few exciting things happening with us this week. We had our first counselor time today! The students always enjoy a lesson from Counselor Johnson! On Thursday, the students are going to the outdoor classroom during their pe time! On Friday, the students will be doing the annual Iowa Fitness Walk at 10:00.

This is Homecoming Week!! The special events/days are as follows:

Monday:  Pajama Day  and Pep Assembly at 9:00 at Jacobson Gym

Tuesday:  Black-Out Day
Wednesday:  Wacky Wednesday
Thursday:  Favorite Sports Team
Friday:  School Spirit Day

As always, please call with any questions/concerns!

Have a great week!
Chris Mallen
Phone:  444-3093 (Home)   444-4300 ext. 336 (School)

Mallen's Monday Memo September 8, 2014

Monday Memo
September 8, 2014

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Last week flew by, but having only 4 days tends to do that!

Today we finished our story over “Grandfather’s Journey”. We will start tomorrow on a story about the Titanic. The students typically love this story (although it is so tragic). We will be working on a variety of skills throughout this story including:  Vocabulary, Comprehension, Outlining, Syllibication, and using a thesaurus. Our grammar this week will be over writing compound and complete sentences. The spelling list will be sent home with the students tomorrow. Thank-you for having your child read their RC book each night for at least 15 minutes. They need their book read by Sept. 15th. Some of the kids have shorter books, so as many quizzes as they can take in that time period would be of great benefit to them!

We had our first science test last Thursday. I sent the tests home with them that day. Just a reminder to make sure they study their study guide for the test. I will always let you know when that study guide is coming home and when the test is through this memo. We are going to start on social studies this week. We will begin by going through some skills in the book’s handbook. Once we spend some time doing that, we will be covering regions of the United States.

This week’s math will be over comparing multi-digit whole numbers. The students will now use place value to compare whole numbers. We also do a daily math review each day. This review really helps them prepare for the Iowa Assessments as it reviews previously learned concepts. I appreciate you taking at least 5 minutes a night to help your child learn their multiplication facts! We take a weekly 5 minute test over 100 problems. Once the students have completed all 100 problems in 5 minutes they become members of the “Never Again Club” which simply means they don’t have to take the tests every week, just occasionally. They also receive a prize!

On Friday, the fourth graders will be traveling to the Belmond Care Center and Belle Haven! They are the fourth grader’s adopted business and we really enjoy going over there and meeting new friends! I will let you know in our next memo what we did while we were there!! They always have something wonderful prepared and ready for us!!

As always, please call with any questions/concerns! I like to be proactive on any situations!

Have a great week!
Chris Mallen
Phone:  (Home) 444-3093   (School)  444-4300 ext. 336


Monday Memo September 22, 2014

Monday Memo
September 22, 2014

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Last week went by very quickly. The students have been keeping very busy! Again I want to thank-you for having your child read every night for 15 minutes and then signing the planner to verify that!! I also appreciate that you are working on their multiplication facts every night with them. Just knowing those facts, will help your child in the very near future in math!

This week we are finishing  an excerpt from a story by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The excerpt is entitled “On the Frontier”. It is taken from the book By the Shores of Silver Lake. I have given many of the students a Laura Ingalls Wilder book to read for their second September book. As we all are at different reading levels, I have given each student a book at their level to read. Laura Ingalls Wilder is a bit too high for some of our readers, thus they have a different book to read. We are going to start writing personal narratives this week, as our first writing project. We will also be doing some review of the skills we have learned thus far. We will work on nouns, subjects and predicates, compound sentences using a conjunction (and , but), and the different types of sentences.  Our spelling words are a review of ones we have had so far this theme.

In Math, we will be working on using place value to understand rounding multi digit numbers to any place value and using this skill in real world applications. The students also do a daily review and I am very pleased with the progress many are making on those reviews. They are becoming more independent with these! Again, we have daily multiplication sheets, but working on them at home each night for at least 5 minutes, makes a huge difference in memorizing these facts!! Thanks again for doing that with your child!!

For Social Studies, I will be handing the students a study guide for their first test over the Northeastern Region of the United States, today.  We dismiss early tomorrow, so that gives them an extra day to study for the test. The test will be on Wednesday.

I look forward to meeting you at conferences!
A few reminders:
Early Dismissal on Tuesday  at 1:00 with conferences from 2-6
Thursday:  Conferences 4-8:00
Friday:  No School

As always, if you have any questions/concerns please give me a call!
Have a great week!
Phone:  444-3093 (home)   444-4300 ext. 336 (School)


Mallen's Monday Memo (Tuesday Sept. 2, 2014)

Monday Memo

(Tuesday) September 2, 2014


Dear Parents,


I hope everyone had a great long weekend!  We made it through our first entire week! I appreciate the students hanging in there and doing their best this first long week!


Our spelling words this week are words with the short and long i and o sound. I have attached the list to this memo. We are working on subjects and predicates in grammar. Last week we talked about the different kinds of sentences:  Command, Statement, Question, and Exclamatory. Our reading story this week is entitled “Grandfather’s Journey”. We will be working on the skills of:  Comprehension, Vocabulary, the suffixes ly and y, and creating a word web. Last week we had the SRA kits which were great independent stories that involve a lot of comprehension and skills activities. We are able to use the kits every three weeks. As this story takes place both in Japan and the United States, I am going to try to fit in some time to write some haiku poems.


In Science this week, we will be finishing our classification unit. Today we worked on the questions in the book. We will be reviewing the chapter and I will be sending home a study guide on Wednesday night. Their first test over the Classification unit will be on Thursday. I appreciate you taking the time to go over the study guide with the students Wednesday night.


Our math this week will involve reading and writing multi-digit numbers using base ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. We are also working on daily multiplication sheets. Thank-you for working with them every night on them for at least 5 minutes. That will really help them master this important math skill!! We also do a daily review every day reviewing previously learned concepts. This will help them enormously on their Iowa Assessments.


I sent a book order home with the students last week. It will be due the 15th of September. Thank-you for taking the time to complete those information sheets! If you haven’t had a chance, please do that. It is important for me to know what to do with your child in the event of an early out… If you have an email, I have emailed you at some point to test if it works. If you didn’t receive my email, please email me at the email address below and then I will have it. I use the email as one form of communication.


As always, please feel free to call with any questions or concerns!!

Chris Mallen

Phone:   444-3093 (Home)   444-4300 ext. 336 (School)


Mallen's Monday Memo August 25, 2014

Phone:  444-3093 (Home)   444-4300 ext. 336 (School)

August 25, 2014

Monday Memo


Dear Parents,


We are off to another exciting, adventure filled school year!! It is hard to believe how fast summer went! With these hot temperatures, it still feels like we are in the middle of summer!


I have really enjoyed getting to know your child! The students have been very respectful and I appreciate how hard they have all worked so far. Fourth grade is a transitional year where a major focus is teaching them to be accountable for their work. We have an expectation that when they do not complete an assignment in class, they will complete it at home and bring it back the next day. That is a skill that they will need throughout their school years. Unfortunately our planners have not come in yet. They are to be delivered mid  September. I appreciate that you have signed our “substitute” planners in the meantime. Hopefully, this will help prepare the kids towards filling out their planners.


Reading has us working on a unit entitled “Journeys”. Each story is about a journey an animal or human has made and the effects of that journey. Our first “journey” takes place in Alaska and is about the Iditarod race that is run annually there. We began this story last week and will test over it this Friday. We have worked on the different kinds of sentences for our grammar lessons this week. Our spelling list is filled with words that have the long vowel sounds spelled with two vowels in the words. I will typically attach a list to their pretest for you to have to help them prepare. At times that will be attached to this Monday Memo, but they received the words last week and now have them. For reading, we are going over the skills of comprehension, vocabulary, and cause and effect, to name a few.


We are discussing classification in Science. We did a classification activity with shoes (ask them about it) and have discussed the 5 kingdoms that all living things are grouped into. We took those 5 kingdoms and broke down each of them. We focused on the animal kingdom and how it is divided into two groups:  vertebrates and invertebrates. Then this week we will be taking those two groups and dividing them up into different groups. Next week, the students will be taking a study guide home, for the test they will be having on the following day. The study guide is to help the students learn how to prepare for a test. I will give you exact days on Monday’s Monday Memo.


Math. We have started on our New York Engaged Math. There are no math books that go with this program. To some up our math, I think of it as how when we group up we learned many processes and how to do a problem. The thinking in this curriculum is teaching them why we do the processes we do. The program contains the math common core required by the federal government. Our materials for the program haven’t arrived yet, and my promethean board is having issues with the pen, so I haven’t been able to utilize the flip charts we created for the program. I am sure the materials will come in quickly and the board will get fixed. In the meantime we have just made do and gotten by. I love how the students are working hard and seem to be interested. It will be fun once they start getting the hang of it. There won’t be a lot of homework with math. Much of math will be done in class, especially until they start getting use to this new program. (And I do tooJ)


I am sending home a book order today with the students. Book orders will always be due on the 15th of each month, or if that is on a weekend, it will be that following Monday. Thank-you for reading the “book” about classroom procedures etc. that I sent home with the kids that first day! Not having preschool conferences was a bit of a challenge getting information to you. Thank-you for sending back the information forms as that enabled me to be able to get the email addresses for those of you who sent one back. It also helps me know what to do with your child in the event of an early dismissal… If you haven’t returned that form yet, I appreciate it if you could as soon as possible.


We had a behavioral academy last Thursday that took each student to a different station: Bus, Playground, Lunchroom, Hallway, Bathroom and our PBIS leaders talked to the students about the expectations of each of these environments. The students are able to earn tokens for good behavior and put that in our token jar. I also have the DoJos up in the classroom. We are starting today on earning DOJO points. In the near future, I will be sending a note home with the process of how to connect to our class DOJOs to see how they are doing. We are just trying to stress our Bronco Pride Expectations of :  Be Safe, Care for Others, Do What’s Right, Do Your Best. We established our classroom expectations and this is what we came up with:

Be Safe:

We will walk in the halls.

We will keep our hands to ourself.

We will keep single file in the hallway.


Care for Others:

 We will treat each other the way we want to be treated.

We will use inside voices inside the building.


Do What’s Right:

We will respect others personal space.


Do Your Best:

We will have our homework done each day we have any.

We will read 15 minutes each night.

We will work on our multiplication facts at least 5 minutes each night.


If you have any questions or concerns, please, please feel free to call me. I would rather solve any issues before they become huge issues.


Have a great week!

Chris Mallen

Email:  chris.mallen

Mallen's Monday Memo May 19, 2014

Monday Memo

May 19, 2014


Dear Parents,


I hope everyone had a great weekend! We were so lucky to have been invited to the Belmond Health Care Center for lunch on Wednesday. That was so much fun!! The meal was wonderful and we thank our friends for all they have done for us!! It has been a great year with them! We are going on June 2 to play Bingo with them as our last adventure with them had to be postponed. This week we also finished up on our Map Tests. Each of the three tests we took, took around an hour and a half to finish, so we didn’t get as far as I had planned, on our reading. Amy Bates, from the library, will be here tomorrow to tell the students about their wonderful summer reading program. She always does an awesome presentation for the kids! Our elementary track meet will be Thursday at 9:00. That is another thing the students look forward to!!


For Reading this week, we are working on a story entitled “Skylark”. We will actually be reading a chapter from the book. I have read the series of books (The Sarah Plain and Tall series) to them. They thoroughly enjoyed those books. This is one of the chapters from the book Skylark. The story talks about the extreme drought that was faced in Kansas. It is how they survived that period of time. We will be working on vocabulary, comprehension, and sequencing this week. We will be working with the same spelling and grammar lessons as we began last week, due to our Map tests, that we didn’t get through.


For math, this week we will be working on finishing our unit on fractions. We will be testing over this unit on Wednesday. We will be starting our new unit on adding and subtracting fractions this week as well.


Social Studies has us continuing to work on the Southeastern Region of the United States. We should be ready to take a test over Chapter 4, on Friday. I will send a study guide home with the students on Thursday.


The students have received their last May book from me. They will be due to be tested on by June 2nd. That way, if they need more than one time to take the test, they will have that time.


Thank-you for returning the summer school note with your child! A letter will be coming home with your child in the near future letting you know if your child will be selected to be in the summer school program!


This will be my last Monday Memo of the year. I have included some dates/times of special things we have going on:


May 22:  Elementary Track Meet at 9:00

May 26:  No School

May 28:  Fishing trip from 8:20-10:00 (Dress accordingly)

May 30:  Music Man Square Field Trip (The students will be eating the school’s sack lunch.) We leave at 10:30 and return at 2:45.

June 2:  Care Center at 2:00 to play Bingo

June 4:  Last day of school


It has been such a pleasure teaching this outstanding group of students. I will miss each and every one of them!! I look for them all to have rewarding futures! Keep them reading this summer and always. I would also recommend they practice those multiplication facts from time to time this summer to keep them right in their memory. Thank-you for sharing your children with me and thank-you for all the help you have given me and them throughout the year!!


As always, call with any questions/concerns!!

Have a great week!


Chris Mallen




Home: 444-3093    School:  444-4300 ext. 336




Mallen's Monday Memo May 12, 2014

Monday Memo

May 12, 2014


Dear Parents,


I hope everyone had a great weekend! We finished our ads for the Belmond Independent. Mr. Vanderlinden will be sending copies of the paper home with the students when he is finished. They turned out very nice. We figured out that we have been doing this project with the fourth grade for over twenty years now!! This week we will be spending a lot of our time on the Map Tests. We will be using the new computer labs for our test. That will be exciting for us!! We also got an invitation for dinner at the Belmond Care Center on Wednesday. We are going to help them celebrate National Health Care Center Week. We truly appreciate all they do for us all year long!!


For Reading this week, we are working on a story entitled “Skylark”. We will actually be reading a chapter from the book. I have read the series of books (The Sarah Plain and Tall series) to them. They thoroughly enjoyed those books. This is one of the chapters from the book Skylark. The story talks about the extreme drought that was faced in Kansas. It is how they survived that period of time. We will be working on vocabulary, comprehension, and sequencing this week. Today we took the reading test over “Wildfires”.  Our grammar lesson is on expanding our sentence writing with phrases. Our spelling words will be sent home tomorrow as we tested over last week’s spelling words, today. We will hopefully test over those words next Monday.


For math, this week we will be working on circle graphs.  We are also at the end of this short chapter. We will be doing a diagnostic checkpoint over this unit, a book chapter test and the official Chapter 9 test will be on Friday. We will be starting chapter 10 next Monday. I will be giving you information over that on our next Monday Memo.


Social Studies has us continuing to work on the Southeastern Region of the United States. We finally took the test on Friday over Chapter Three. We started with Chapter 4 on the region today. We talked about the Native American tribe associated with this region. We will also talk about the economy of this region, this week.


Just a reminder that the student’s first May book is due to be read on May 15th. They will have one more book to read before the end of this school year. I also issued a challenge to them. They were starting to have struggles settling down and getting work completed. They were very chatty. I have challenged them to make good choices up until the end of the school year. The reward for that is a pizza party the last day of school. That has really turned their behavior around and the choices they make.


Tonight will be the Fine Art’s Festival that is rescheduled from last Thursday night.


Thank-you for returning the summer school note with your child! A letter will be coming home with your child in the near future letting you know if your child will be selected to be in the summer school program!


As always, call with any questions/concerns!!

Have a great week!


Chris Mallen




Home: 444-3093    School:  444-4300 ext. 336



Mallen's Monday Memo May 5, 2014

Monday Memo

May 5, 2014


Dear Parents,


I hope everyone had a great weekend! Last week we had a lot of things going on! We enjoyed the “Go the Distance Day” with Nicole Christians. She came and did a Rumba session with the  Pre K-6th grade for half an hour. This was a lot of fun for the kids! I enjoyed it as well! I think the kids enjoyed watching me attempt to follow the steps. I tried is all I can sayJ We also were treated to Dirk Vanderlinden coming and talking to us about putting our ads together for the Belmond Independent. We realized that this 4th grade project has been going on for over 20 years. What the project involves is the 4th graders grouping together and designing an ad for a local business. If they aren’t familiar with the business they are encouraged to go visit it and talk to the store keepers as to what they would like to see in their ad. A phone call can also be done. We will be creating our ads during school, but investigating the business, needs to be done while out of school. This is a project that is really fun for the kids and truly shows their creativity!


For Reading this week, we are working on a story entitled “Wildfires”. We will be talking about how wildfires can help and destroy land. We will be working on vocabulary, comprehension, main idea and supporting details, this week. Our grammar lesson is on writing with adverbs and also over the adverbs good and well. Our spelling words consist of words with unusual spellings. We are a day behind due to having “Go the Distance Day”. So, today the students got their new spelling words and will still have their spelling test on Friday. However, they took their reading test today and will start the new story tomorrow. So, the spelling words are still attached to this memo.


For math, this week we will be working on using number sense to compare fractions. We are also at the end of this short chapter. We will be doing a diagnostic checkpoint over this unit, a book chapter test and the official Chapter 9 test will be on Thursday. We will be starting chapter 10 on Friday. I will be giving you information over that on our next Monday Memo.


Social Studies has us working on the Southeastern Region of the United States. We will be taking the test over that on Wednesday, with the study guide going home with your child on Tuesday night. We will continue on Thursday over the Southeastern Region focusing on the Native American tribes living in this area.


Thank-you for returning the summer school note with your child! A letter will be coming home with your child in the near future letting you know if your child will be selected to be in the summer school program!


As always, call with any questions/concerns!!

Have a great week!


Chris Mallen

Home: 444-3093    School:  444-4300 ext. 336



Monday Memo

April 28, 2014


Dear Parents,


I hope everyone had a great weekend! Last week was filled with so many different things. We were treated to a visit from Kelley Wilhelm (AKA Antarctica Man). He has spoken to the 4th grade for the last 4 years about his work on the continent of Antarctica. In the past he has Skyped us from there. He was here in person and did a fantastic presentation about the continent and what he does there. He will be receiving his PHD from the University of Wisconsin in August. One of the components of his Antarctica project was student outreach and our 4th grade at Jacobson Elementary was chosen to be his outreach class. Ask your child what they learned about Antarctica! We also celebrated Earth Week by reading stories, cleaning our lockers out, and we will be picking up trash in the community, once the weather cooperates!


We finished our Heroes unit. We really enjoyed the stories and activities over a variety of different heroes. The students all wrote a hero story. I thought they did a great job on them and I look forward to you reading them when they take them home! This week our new unit is entitled:  Nature Friend and Foe. We will be reading stories about nature. Our new story is entitled “Salmon Summer”. We will be working on the following skills this week:  Vocabulary, Comprehension, Direction Following and we will be working on some outlining skills. Our grammar skills this week will be over adverbs. Our spelling words are attached to the memo.


For math, we started on our ninth chapter about decimals and fractions. We also started a new unit in Social Studies over the Southeastern region of the United States. We will be talking about the Mississippi River this week, comparing map scales, talking about the warm weather and crops in the region and we will talk about the coal mining done in the region.


Today, the students will be bringing home a note letting you know about our upcoming summer school. It will be held June 16-27th and July 7-18th. It is a four week session for reading. The students will be here from 9:00 until 12:00 with lunch provided. We will be having a bus stop in Klemme, Goodell, and Rowan at a site to be revealed in the forthcoming letter. Once you have received the letter, please email me if you are interested in your child participating. Once we have all of the names of students willing to commit to the program, a letter will be sent home with those that will be elgible to participate. My email is at the bottom of this memo. I will put this paragraph in the next few Monday memos to remind you to let me know if you are interested in your child participating.



As always, call with any questions/concerns!!

Have a great week!


Chris Mallen

Home: 444-3093    School:  444-4300 ext. 336




Mallen's Monday Memo April 21. 2014

Monday Memo

April 21, 2014


Dear Parents,


I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend! Unfortunately we were unable to go to the care center last week, but they were so kind to us and brought over treats in Easter eggs and marshmallow treats!! So wonderful of them and a nice way to kick off our long weekend!!


We will be reviewing previously learned skills over our Heroes unit. We will be reading a story this week that comes from the series of books about the horses of Chincoteague. The students all received one of Margurite Henry’s books on the horses, as their second book to read for the month of April. Those books are due on the last day of April. I will be giving them their first book of May, on the first of May.  This week we will be writing a story about our hero. We will go through all of the steps of publishing. We will also be talking about cause and effect. Our review spelling words will be going home with the students tomorrow. Today we took our post test from last week since we weren’t at school last Friday.


For math, we will be spending the week reviewing over Chapter 8. On Friday, we will be taking the test over our geometry unit.


We have just started a very short unit on Fossils in Science. I will be sending a study guide home with the students on Thursday. We will be testing over this short unit on Friday.


Sometime in the near future, the students will be bringing home a note letting you know about our upcoming summer school. It will be held June 16-27th and July 7-18th. It is a four week session for reading. The students will be here from 9:00 until 12:00 with lunch provided. We will be having a bus stop in Klemme, Goodell, and Rowan at a site to be revealed in the forthcoming letter. Once you have received the letter, please email me if you are interested in your child participating. Once we have all of the names of students willing to commit to the program, a letter will be sent home with those that will be elgible to participate. My email is at the bottom of this memo. I will put this paragraph in the next few Monday memos to remind you to let me know if you are interested in your child participating.



As always, call with any questions/concerns!!

Have a great week!


Chris Mallen

Home: 444-3093    School:  444-4300 ext. 336




Monday Memo

April 7, 2014


Dear Parents,


I hope everyone had a great weekend! I thank-you all for the beautiful flowers and the thoughtful cards and letters…  I came back to work a week early. The kids have been just great at helping me when I need some help!  I appreciate all Mrs. Lovgren did with the class during my absence!!


Today we began the Iowa Assessments. We did the language component today. Tomorrow we will do the reading component. On Wednesday we will be doing the math component and we will finish on Thursday with the Science component of the test.


I also wanted to let you know that you can get on our typing page now at home and the students can practice their typing skills. They have their own password and username. (They have them memorized.) This is only if you want them to do it. It isn’t a requirement. It is just another thing they can do to pass the time that will help them with their keyboarding skills. The web site is:  www.


We began a new unit in reading entitled “Heroes”.  This is a great unit that gives the students some traits about what a hero looks like. Last week we talked about Dr. King and this week our story is about Gloria Estavan. The story revolves around how she survived a vehicular accident and how she is now making a difference in the life of others. The skills we will be working on this week include:  Vocabulary, Comprehension, character judgements, and homophones. Our grammar skills this week are on object pronouns. The spelling list is attached to this memo. Last week the student s learned about cause and effect. They learned about subject pronouns during grammar.


For math, we started a geography unit last week. This week we will be talking about using geometric words to describe, we will learn about the term perimeter, area, and we will be doing some problem solving skills. We finished all of the 4th grade drops in a bucket review series. We are going to start doing the 5th grade drops in a bucket now. What is nice about that is that it starts by reviewing the 4th grade material. It is such a great program to keep math concepts always in their brain.


Due to the Iowa Assessments, we won’t be starting our science unit on Fossils, until Friday.


As always, call with any questions/concerns!!

Have a great week!


Chris Mallen

Home: 444-3093    School:  444-4300 ext. 336


Mallen's Monday Memo March 3, 2014

Monday Memo

March 3, 2014


Dear Parents,


I hope everyone had a nice weekend! We enjoyed the Olympics Reading Incentive program that we had through the month of February. We made Olympic rings with the third graders, and we played Bingo with the Olympic athletes names, throughout the month. It was a tough month, due to the absences, the late starts, early outs… The nice thing was that it did give them a lot more time to read at home. I will let you know next week how many students in our class received the gold, the silver, and the bronze. The bronze expectations were exactly what our monthly expectations are. That is to pass two reading counts quizzes a month. To get the silver, they had to pass 3 and to get the gold they had to pass 4. It was great how many did that!! I am having them all read two books of their own choice through the month of March. The books have to be reading counts books, however.


I will be having some surgery up at Mayo Clinic, in March. I will need to take some time off, so I am planning to be only gone for three weeks. It is my hope that is all I need to miss. I put the kids in the wonderful hands of Mrs .Lovgren. She does a great job!! The biggest problem with my absence is that it coincides with conferences. I will be here on Tuesday, March 11. I will be staying until 8:00 that night and try to get most of the conferences scheduled for that night. I will also be calling others to have conferences with me on Wednesday, March 12th. I will stay as long as I need to that night. I have a prior commitment on that Monday night, so I will be trying to get the conferences in on March 11-12. So, if you get a call/email from me, that will probably be what I am going to be asking you. Otherwise, you will get the usual red note letting you know your conference time on that Tuesday. Just remember, I am going until 8:00 that night, whereas everyone else is going until 6:00. I just want to avoid any confusion… thank-you for your flexibility in scheduling!!


We are starting a new story today entitled “Sing to the Stars”. We will be working on vocabulary, comprehension, and using a graphic organize to summarize a story. Our grammar lessons this week are continuing our discussion on adjectives, except now we are comparing with them. The spelling words for this week are attached to this memo. Our hope is to test on those words, Friday.  We also have the SRA lab this week, so we will be spending some time with those stories as well.


In Math, we are on our division chapter. We will be working on writing a number sentence, learning the divisibility rules, finding averages, dividing by multiples of 10, and dividing with two digit divisors. It will be a busy week in Math this week!! Knowing their math facts have greatly helped them succeed with this chapter!! Thank-you for all the time and effort you put into helping your child know them!!


We are working on Science this week. We are starting on our Earth Science unit. This week and last we are working on earthquakes and volcanoes. I hope to be able to send home a study guide Thursday night, with a test on Friday. Things don’t always work out as planned, but it is the plan for now.


I want to thank our wonderful room mothers for the awesome party they put on for us for Valentine’s Day!! Thanks to Mrs. Dockstader, Mrs. Willms and Mrs. Meyer for their time and effort! The kids had a great time!!


 I appreciate that you sign the planners verifying that they read at least 15 minutes a night! That is one of the best things we can do for the kids!


I hope everyone has a great week! As always, please feel free to call me with questions/concerns.



Chris Mallen

Phone:  444-3093 (Home)   444-4300 ext. 336 (School)
