Monday Memo September 22, 2014

Monday Memo
September 22, 2014

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Last week went by very quickly. The students have been keeping very busy! Again I want to thank-you for having your child read every night for 15 minutes and then signing the planner to verify that!! I also appreciate that you are working on their multiplication facts every night with them. Just knowing those facts, will help your child in the very near future in math!

This week we are finishing  an excerpt from a story by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The excerpt is entitled “On the Frontier”. It is taken from the book By the Shores of Silver Lake. I have given many of the students a Laura Ingalls Wilder book to read for their second September book. As we all are at different reading levels, I have given each student a book at their level to read. Laura Ingalls Wilder is a bit too high for some of our readers, thus they have a different book to read. We are going to start writing personal narratives this week, as our first writing project. We will also be doing some review of the skills we have learned thus far. We will work on nouns, subjects and predicates, compound sentences using a conjunction (and , but), and the different types of sentences.  Our spelling words are a review of ones we have had so far this theme.

In Math, we will be working on using place value to understand rounding multi digit numbers to any place value and using this skill in real world applications. The students also do a daily review and I am very pleased with the progress many are making on those reviews. They are becoming more independent with these! Again, we have daily multiplication sheets, but working on them at home each night for at least 5 minutes, makes a huge difference in memorizing these facts!! Thanks again for doing that with your child!!

For Social Studies, I will be handing the students a study guide for their first test over the Northeastern Region of the United States, today.  We dismiss early tomorrow, so that gives them an extra day to study for the test. The test will be on Wednesday.

I look forward to meeting you at conferences!
A few reminders:
Early Dismissal on Tuesday  at 1:00 with conferences from 2-6
Thursday:  Conferences 4-8:00
Friday:  No School

As always, if you have any questions/concerns please give me a call!
Have a great week!
Phone:  444-3093 (home)   444-4300 ext. 336 (School)



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