Mallen's Monday Memo May 12, 2014

Monday Memo

May 12, 2014


Dear Parents,


I hope everyone had a great weekend! We finished our ads for the Belmond Independent. Mr. Vanderlinden will be sending copies of the paper home with the students when he is finished. They turned out very nice. We figured out that we have been doing this project with the fourth grade for over twenty years now!! This week we will be spending a lot of our time on the Map Tests. We will be using the new computer labs for our test. That will be exciting for us!! We also got an invitation for dinner at the Belmond Care Center on Wednesday. We are going to help them celebrate National Health Care Center Week. We truly appreciate all they do for us all year long!!


For Reading this week, we are working on a story entitled “Skylark”. We will actually be reading a chapter from the book. I have read the series of books (The Sarah Plain and Tall series) to them. They thoroughly enjoyed those books. This is one of the chapters from the book Skylark. The story talks about the extreme drought that was faced in Kansas. It is how they survived that period of time. We will be working on vocabulary, comprehension, and sequencing this week. Today we took the reading test over “Wildfires”.  Our grammar lesson is on expanding our sentence writing with phrases. Our spelling words will be sent home tomorrow as we tested over last week’s spelling words, today. We will hopefully test over those words next Monday.


For math, this week we will be working on circle graphs.  We are also at the end of this short chapter. We will be doing a diagnostic checkpoint over this unit, a book chapter test and the official Chapter 9 test will be on Friday. We will be starting chapter 10 next Monday. I will be giving you information over that on our next Monday Memo.


Social Studies has us continuing to work on the Southeastern Region of the United States. We finally took the test on Friday over Chapter Three. We started with Chapter 4 on the region today. We talked about the Native American tribe associated with this region. We will also talk about the economy of this region, this week.


Just a reminder that the student’s first May book is due to be read on May 15th. They will have one more book to read before the end of this school year. I also issued a challenge to them. They were starting to have struggles settling down and getting work completed. They were very chatty. I have challenged them to make good choices up until the end of the school year. The reward for that is a pizza party the last day of school. That has really turned their behavior around and the choices they make.


Tonight will be the Fine Art’s Festival that is rescheduled from last Thursday night.


Thank-you for returning the summer school note with your child! A letter will be coming home with your child in the near future letting you know if your child will be selected to be in the summer school program!


As always, call with any questions/concerns!!

Have a great week!


Chris Mallen




Home: 444-3093    School:  444-4300 ext. 336




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