Mallen's Monday Memo October 26, 2015

Monday Memo

October 26, 2015



Dear Parents,


I hope everyone had a great weekend! This is a busy week for us! It is our Anti-Bullying Week! Many activities are planned. I will include a few. You will also be receiving and have received some information about some of the plans. Today, the students are going over to the care center with their laptop computers. The idea is for each class to do a service project. For our project, they are going to do an activity with a resident. The site is called wordel and the kids will be making a wordel with them and we will bring them back to be printed and laminated. We will then present them with them at a later date. I thought the residents might get a kick out of working on the computer. We are also pairing with a first grade class this week and we will do the same activity for the first graders. It should be fun being a role model for them!


Our RC book The Jacket is due on Friday. I will be giving them another book on Friday  that will be due on November 15th. Thanks for having them read each night and watching that they are truly reading, not just looking around… Many have already passed this book and are reading another and that is fantastic!!


We will be starting a story this week, entitled Boss of the Plains. This is a great story about how the Stetson hat was made and the story behind that.  We will be working on the following skills this week:  Comprehension, Vocabulary, Writing a business letter, Making inferences, and some compare/contrast. Our grammar this week will be over plural nouns. Our spelling words have the  ir and ar sounds in them and are attached to this memo. We also do a daily SRA that you see come home each day. As I said at conferences, you want to see 80% on them. If they have a 90% or better, they get a sticker on their chart.


We will be continuing to work with standard algorithms in Math this week. We will be adding and subtracting numbers. We will also be doing our daily reviews and a fact sheet each day. Thanks for working with your children on knowing those facts as they will really appreciate that when we get to that unit!!


We are going to be  finishing up on the second chapter over the Northeastern Region of the United States in Social Studies this week.  We will be talking about the Iroquois Indian tribe that made their home in this region. We didn’t get to this last week but we will this week:  On Mondays, the students will be bringing home DOGS (Daily Oral Geography) that will be due on Friday. They can use any resource to answer the few geography questions. Those that hand it in on time, have their names on it, and get it perfect, will be in a drawing for a prize each Friday. Thanks for looking for that and helping with that!


We also get to watch a Reader’s Theatre put on by a 6th grade class, on Tuesday! We have our service project at the care center on Monday. We are going to be with the first graders for half an hour on Tuesday. The students are to wear the color orange on Wednesday. Thursday is our Random Acts of Kindness day (refer to letter sent by Counselor Johnson). We will be parading to the care center with our costumes on, on Friday at 1:40 and then we will come back here for the 2:00 parade. Our party will be from 2:15-3:00. Thank you in advance to our room parents for the Halloween Party and for their time and talent!! The room parents for this party are:  Jon Swenson, Holly Dirksen and Norma Gonzalez is sending treats and drinks.


As always, please feel free to call me with any questions/concerns! I look forward to meeting with you at our conference time!!

Have a great week!

Chris Mallen

Phone:  Home:  444-3093   School:  444-4300 Ext. 336



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