Mallen's Monday Memo September 14, 2015

Monday Memo

September 14, 2015


Dear Parents,


I hope everyone had a great weekend. We had a busy week last week! The students have really settled into their routine and the talking has gone way down! We had Counselor Johnson last week for the first time. She spent some time just reminding the students of her role in our school… It also seemed so different having had Monday off. I am excited that we get to go to the care center on Friday! We will be going at the end of the day. We love going there and meeting our new friends. We will be visiting them once a month. It is always something the students look forward to and our friends at the care center do as well!


This week in reading, we are going to be finishing our unit on the Titanic. We will be working on the skills of comprehension, vocabulary, syllabication, and working on the thesaurus. Tomorrow will be the test over this story and the spelling test. We will start a new story on Wednesday that is an excerpt taken from the Laura Ingalls Wilder book “By the Shores of Silver Lake”. We will be working on vocabulary, comprehension, and noting details this week. We do an SRA daily. I love these as it lets the students move at their level, independently. The SRAs consist of a story and then vocabulary and comprehension questions as well as different reading and grammar skills for each story. The stories are literature rich and the students like them. We also have grammar lessons each day. This week our grammar is over common nouns. I will also be sending the new spelling words home with the students on Wednesday, attached to their pre-test.


In Math we are working on place value, the value of numbers and this week we get into greater than and less than. Each day we independently work on our daily reviews. I love these because they help the students work on skills that they will see on their Iowa Assessments. Daily multiplication fact sheets are also done each day. Again, I thank-you so much for working with your children each night on these important facts!! Especially down the road, knowing these facts will help them enormously in Math!!


We are working on behavior adaptions this week and focusing on the vocabulary of the chapter. We will be doing a study guide on Thursday, with the test on Friday. Thank-you for going through the study guide with them, as it helps enormously on the test! I will keep these tests until we have conferences. I will send them home from then on.


Tomorrow, (the 15th) the students are to have their first RC book quizzed on. This time they did a Judy Blume book. Once they pass that test (they get 3 times), they will get their new book. The new book is an Encyclopedia Brown book. I am having them read from the mystery genre. This book is to be read by Sept. 30th. If they pass the quiz before the 30th, I will give them another Encyclopedia Brown book. The books are pretty short and so I look forward to some of them reading more than just 1 in two weeks!!


Thank-you for signing their planner each night verifying they read for 15 minutes the night before!!

As always, please call/email with any questions/concerns!!


Chris Mallen

Phone:   444-3093 (Home)   444-4300 ext. 336 (School)



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