Mallen's Monday Memo September 10, 2012

Monday Memo
September 10, 2012

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a great weekend!! Although last week was a short week, the kids really got a lot accomplished and I am so proud of them for that! Today your children went to our adopt a business, which is the Belmond Rehabilitation Center! We love having them as part of our “family”. It is great for the students to develop relationships with our older generation. Today we went over and paired up with our new friends and played bingo. I think they had a great time. I always tell them that their job is to make their friend smile. I explained that for some of the residents, this might be their only visitor that week. We will be going monthly to visit our new friends. I encourage them to go over on their own time, with your permission of course, and visit their new friends.

This week we are reading one of the kid’s favorite stories. It is entitled The Titanic. We will be working on the skills of comprehension, vocabulary, thesaurus, and syllabication during our whole group reading time. During our guided reading time, we will be working on main idea. For grammar, we will be focused on writing complete sentences and compound sentences. In spelling, we will be working on words with the u sound. The list is attached to this memo.

Math this week will have us doing a review over what we have learned so far in this chapter. We will also be working on using the $ sign to understand decimals. Money and making change will be a big part of this week. This is an important skill that needs to be practiced throughout their life. We will be practicing it throughout the year by playing some money games during our math menu time, however, working on it at home, would really help them as well. With that, keep working on those multiplication facts. As I told them, it isn’t going away. They need to learn those in order to be successful with math for the rest of their school career. Thanks for helping them with that. We have 5 people now that are in our “Never Again Club” for having mastered the 5 minute multiplication timed test. We also work daily on our daily review that is awesome for preparing for the basic skills test!

We are going to be finishing up on our handbook activities with social studies and with our first chapter in Science. I will let you know in next week’s Monday Memo when a study guide will be coming home for their first test in Science. We will be starting on a region of the United States next week as well and I will share more in next week’s memo.

Reminder that book orders are due: Sept. 17th

As always, call with any questions or concerns!!
Chris Mallen
Phone:  ext. 336 (School)   444-3093 (Home)