Dear Parents,
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Last week went by very quickly! Just a reminder that if you are looking for this on the website it is at:
During reading this week we are on our second story of our Amazing Stories unit. Our story this week is entitled “Cindrellion”. It is a fantasy that is a version of the classic Cinderella story. We will be working on comprehension and vocabulary this week as well as the suffix able, helping verbs, venn diagrams, combining sentences with a main verb, and fantasy versus realism. We will be working on our FusionWriters , Successmaker, language reviews and our vocabulary story, during our centers this week. Our guided reading stories are fantasy stories that are taken from old familiar tales and reworked.
For Math this week, we are getting towards the end of our multiplication/division unit. Next week we will be testing over this unit. This week we will be doing some algebra, problem solving, solving equations and finding a rule in a table. Again, make sure they practice those multiplication facts as that helps them greatly to know them! We will be working on our daily review as well this week!
Social Studies this week has us beginning the Western Region of the United States. They did a great job on their test of the SW region of the U.S. We will start by talking about the Rocky Mountains this week. During Science, we will continue introducing the students to the different systems of the body. The respiratory, circulatory, nervous, and digestive systems will be introduced this week.
Thank-you for only signing their planner when they have read for 20 minutes that night. So far, everyone has had their planner signed each night. If it isn’t, I assume they haven’t read for 20 minutes so I have them do that during 20 minutes of their recess. As of today, no one has had to do that, so I truly appreciate your support in having your child read each night! I just always tell them that reading is like every other skill you learn. You just have to practice it to get better!
The spelling words are attached to this memo. We are collecting personal hygiene products for the soldiers this week. We had a great response last week to donations of office supplies. Let’s keep that up for this week!!
As always, any questions or concerns please feel free to give me a call or email me.
Chris Mallen
Phone: Home: 444-3093 School: 444-4300 ext. 336